Tuesday, August 10, 2010

Competency - Internet

Wisconsin Department of Public Instruction : Libraries and Technology

I chose this website because it includes the latest trends in library technology from PLA and ALA, including tips and manuals focusing on technology competencies. Listed Sections include links to information on:
Library Technology
Digital Libraries and E-Books
Libraries the internet and the web
Networking Issues
Technology Publications and Technology News

The quote from the website says:

"This page has references to a variety of sites related, in some manner, to library technology. While covering many aspects of the subject, there is somewhat more emphasis on technology use and issues in public libraries. Sites in the Networking section are more broadly inclusive to include intellectual freedom issues, especially in how IF relates to technology. Sites referenced on this page do not imply any type of endorsement. " -- website

Website found through the Google Search Engine using the search terms "future of public libraries".

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